If you have ever enrolled in a martial arts class than you know it is expensive. If you are considering signing up with a school, a quick word of advice, treat this expense a lot like your other purchases. Martial Arts gyms wether traditional or modern MMA range from $89 to $300 per month, so it is important to shop around. Use tools like Google Maps and other search engines to your advantage. Some schools use sites like Groupon and Living Social to give discounts for walk in classes or annual tuition fees. My method has always been to take advantage of free classes or free weeks that schools offer. It may be frowned upon by the schools but if they open the door for you, than you have no reason not to accept their offer.
Make sure to try schools of different styles than what you have had your eye on, you are guaranteed to learn something new. Even if all you learn is that, this particular style is not for you. If you have your heart set on a specific school however, do not hesitate to ask them for introductory offers or specials. There are so many schools now-a-days that they are hungry for your business, and there for, almost always have an incentive to join. However remember that a legitimate knowledge of self defense is invaluable, so although we want to save money, Sifu or Sensei has to eat too. I was lucky enough to find an instructor who taught a much smaller group in public parks and out of his house which in turn kept the cost down for me. Never assume that the facility makes the teachers better. I trained for six years on grass, dirt and asphalt and came out stronger and more skillful for it. So with that advice Good Luck on your search and i hope you find what you are looking for.
And train DFS because it's way sicker :) nothin forms a good fist like asphalt