I got an abundance of emails after the conn. shooting from petition websites about gun control.
Why can't anyone see the bigger picture?
Why aren't people at all concerned about psychological health in this country?
Yes every fire arm has the potential to cause death. And yes i do believe an intelligent addition to our gun policy could help prevent people who do things like this from killing in the future.
However when will someone stand up and demand personal responsibility! The recent escalation of tragedies like this one should be taken on by the worlds best psychologist and criminologist. Not by people who see an inanimate object as the culprit.
This young man is a monster he did not deserve to live after what he did.
But he took the cowards way out and now we have no one left to answer for his crimes. So everyones is directing their anguish toward firearms themselves.
We live in a time and society where people are becoming more and more detached from each other. And becoming less and less able to deal with harassment and strife in a day to day capacity. Something was wrong with this guy (and we may never know what) and something has been wrong with every other person like him in the past.
Get the nations best criminologist and psychologist to really exam each one of the perpetrators individually and maybe we can find out what sickness is creating these monsters. There is so much more to this issue than people are considering.
We need to strengthen our youth and prepare them for life so that no matter what kind of world we live in, they will be prepared. My heart goes out to the families effected by this atrocity. We as a nation need to do more to understand this problem; rather than just lashing out in pain to who and whatever we can.
If i offended anyone with this post i apologize... that you're dumb.
New Blood
Martial Arts Media, History, Discussion and Philosophy

Salvidor Dali's the Warrior
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Personal Entry
I haven't touched this blog in a while and although I know no one reads it, I thought it would be nice to give the world a status update.
While returning from some time of in California I was side swiped and ran off the 8 freeway by a semi truck. I was banged up pretty bad and have been in physical therapy and doctors offices since then. I took very little time off work against doctors orders because i can't afford not to work.
I have been trying to stay in good spirits, however over the past few days the first thing out of peoples mouths when they see me is, "are you alright?" Even from people who don't know about the accident. So i must look like shit. I haven't been able to keep up with my medications because I worry they will impair my ability to work safely. And I am consistantly losing focus because of the pain and addition of these doctors appointments and physical therapy. I want to feel better and stop hurting, but more than anything i just want to be able to put all of this behind me.
I work for a small company and have no health and medical benefits, the property i manage only has four employees so I am needed there. I know I will make it through this, but this whole experience and the accident itself has really made me contemplate life and the direction mine is going in. I could have died that day, and all i can think about is how regretful i would be if i had. All the things i haven't done yet, all the things I could be doing now but still am not. Life is precious, and you may not live to the day you have everything planned for.
I miss training with my group back home in Cali. Sure I am financially more secure here in AZ but i am more and more often noticing how the more financially secure I become, the farther away from happiness and enlightenment i am. There has to be a balance, and right now, i don't have it. A couple years back i was a believer in existentialism, and now I am more of a helpless observer waiting for my moment to escape what my life has become. Wether i stay because i feel i need to fulfill an obligation, or i stay because I fear losing all the material possessions I owe money on like my car, it just isn't right and it just isn't me. Although i know i have done some growing since i came out here, I feel as though i am growing farther away from the person i want to be, and closer to the person I am expected to become in this culture.
Martial arts has taught me that there is a way to succeed and turn around every situation to your advantage, however life is a skilled adversary that outmatches me in wisdom and complexity. I don't know wether to fight or flow in my current situation. what i do know is that right now i feel as though i am a child again flailing in the pool as i learn to swim. And all i can do is try my damndest to keep my head above water.
While returning from some time of in California I was side swiped and ran off the 8 freeway by a semi truck. I was banged up pretty bad and have been in physical therapy and doctors offices since then. I took very little time off work against doctors orders because i can't afford not to work.
I have been trying to stay in good spirits, however over the past few days the first thing out of peoples mouths when they see me is, "are you alright?" Even from people who don't know about the accident. So i must look like shit. I haven't been able to keep up with my medications because I worry they will impair my ability to work safely. And I am consistantly losing focus because of the pain and addition of these doctors appointments and physical therapy. I want to feel better and stop hurting, but more than anything i just want to be able to put all of this behind me.
I work for a small company and have no health and medical benefits, the property i manage only has four employees so I am needed there. I know I will make it through this, but this whole experience and the accident itself has really made me contemplate life and the direction mine is going in. I could have died that day, and all i can think about is how regretful i would be if i had. All the things i haven't done yet, all the things I could be doing now but still am not. Life is precious, and you may not live to the day you have everything planned for.
I miss training with my group back home in Cali. Sure I am financially more secure here in AZ but i am more and more often noticing how the more financially secure I become, the farther away from happiness and enlightenment i am. There has to be a balance, and right now, i don't have it. A couple years back i was a believer in existentialism, and now I am more of a helpless observer waiting for my moment to escape what my life has become. Wether i stay because i feel i need to fulfill an obligation, or i stay because I fear losing all the material possessions I owe money on like my car, it just isn't right and it just isn't me. Although i know i have done some growing since i came out here, I feel as though i am growing farther away from the person i want to be, and closer to the person I am expected to become in this culture.
Martial arts has taught me that there is a way to succeed and turn around every situation to your advantage, however life is a skilled adversary that outmatches me in wisdom and complexity. I don't know wether to fight or flow in my current situation. what i do know is that right now i feel as though i am a child again flailing in the pool as i learn to swim. And all i can do is try my damndest to keep my head above water.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
From Ring to Screen
Martial Arts movies are now more popular than ever. The American movie goer has been fortunate enough to grow past the days of only having a single Bruce Lee to emulate. Today we have more great martial arts action stars than we know what to do with. From Jackie Chan and his years of Hollywood success to Tony Jaa's recent explosion of films in the past few years, audiences are beginning to look deeper into the action on screen.
MMA and sport fighting on television has sparked curiosity in many about how much of Hollywood actually parallels real full contact fighting. As a martial arts instructor I can tell you, the answer to how much is simply, A LOT!
Everyone seems to know what a Mixed Martial Artist is now-a-days. A hard training athlete and practitioner who spend years of his life learning techniques, and spends hours upon hours every week to stay in peak condition. However many people do not know what a Movie Martial Artist is. Most martial artist working in film started as children in a dojo, competing at amateur tournaments, than over time worked their way into film.
The bottom line is that a martial arts movie star is a martial artist first and an actor second. Doing your own stunts, practicing choreographed fights, all the while missing sleep due to a brutal shooting schedule comes with risk. If anything goes wrong you rely on your conditioning to protect you, just like an MMA fighter relys on his conditioning for protection in the ring.
Along with the risk of mistakes, the chinese method of shooting for realism is to use real contact, which hightens the requirements placed on the actors. Take for example Chinese action star Donny Yen. In one of his recent films Flashpoint (2007). There are techniques and stunts in this film where there is just no avoiding a few bumps and bruises, but it is necessary to make real contact at times if you want it to look real on the screen.
So wether we are talking about Mixed Martial Artists or Martial Arts Movie Stars, remember to look for the common denomenator here. They are both martial artists, and if you really want to know from an average persons perspective how alike the two are, go find a Tony Jaa or Donny Yen and ask to challenge them. I can assure you the only difference between having your your ass handed to you by a Donny Yen or Bruce Lee rather than a Urijah Faber or Mirko Crocop is how nice they will look before you hit the ground.
![]() Bruce Lee behind the scenes |
Everyone seems to know what a Mixed Martial Artist is now-a-days. A hard training athlete and practitioner who spend years of his life learning techniques, and spends hours upon hours every week to stay in peak condition. However many people do not know what a Movie Martial Artist is. Most martial artist working in film started as children in a dojo, competing at amateur tournaments, than over time worked their way into film.
The bottom line is that a martial arts movie star is a martial artist first and an actor second. Doing your own stunts, practicing choreographed fights, all the while missing sleep due to a brutal shooting schedule comes with risk. If anything goes wrong you rely on your conditioning to protect you, just like an MMA fighter relys on his conditioning for protection in the ring.
Along with the risk of mistakes, the chinese method of shooting for realism is to use real contact, which hightens the requirements placed on the actors. Take for example Chinese action star Donny Yen. In one of his recent films Flashpoint (2007). There are techniques and stunts in this film where there is just no avoiding a few bumps and bruises, but it is necessary to make real contact at times if you want it to look real on the screen.
So wether we are talking about Mixed Martial Artists or Martial Arts Movie Stars, remember to look for the common denomenator here. They are both martial artists, and if you really want to know from an average persons perspective how alike the two are, go find a Tony Jaa or Donny Yen and ask to challenge them. I can assure you the only difference between having your your ass handed to you by a Donny Yen or Bruce Lee rather than a Urijah Faber or Mirko Crocop is how nice they will look before you hit the ground.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Entertainers or Athletes
The UFC is becoming more and more popular with every televised match. People are tuning in for pay per views by the millions and many more jump on their favorite website to watch the same fights being web casted. An amazing accomplishment given the simplicity of sport fighting. Those who train a discipline of martial arts know why they watch, athletes and sports fans know why they watch it. But what draws in the average Joe? What is it about the UFC and its analogs that is getting them those great ratings... Where are the showmen?
One Jason "Mayhem" Miller answered that call. While working his way through the Japanese circuit, he established himself with his entrances. A moment of pure spectacle, the showman presents himself. Now i know that cage fighting is very serious because quite frankly if you aren't focused... you are gonna pay for it. But i still appreciate seeing some character. "Mayhem" may not have had the most stellar record in cage fighting with no wins in the UFC, however he was fearless. An athlete and a showman. "Mayhem" recently was released from his contract over an unknown incident behind the scenes at a weigh in. But regardless, thanks for the show, and with all due respect, it was much more fun watching you bleed in the ring than it has been with anyone else. So farewell "Mayhem", and don't piss anyone else off or else no one will get to see you fight anymore.
Jason "Mayhem" Miller is released from the UFC
Jason "Mayhem" Miller is released from the UFC
Monday, May 14, 2012
I Can Relate
Any traditional instructor will tell his students that the belt has significance. It represents your time in the system and how much you have learned. However, to make sure students don't get a big head. Their instructor may remind you that beyond showing rank a belt is just there to keep your Gi closed.
A title belt however is more like a trophy or an accolade. Something to display and be proud of. Recently one Vinny Magalhaes decided that his title belt was nothing he wanted to display and remember and put it on e-bay at a starting bid of 0.09 cents. BRILLIANT!
The article states that he was having conflict of interests with the organization who awarded him the belt and found a very direct way to let them know he was cutting ties for good. I personally have destroyed a 1st prize trophy awarded to me. It was liberating. I felt the organization running the competition was barely organized and I hated the hierarchy there. I ended up having to fight only my own classmates for the trophy. So when we got home we took turns kicking and chopping this 4 foot trophy into bits. In any case I feel Vinny Magalhaes selling his belt was a right proper F.U. It was his belt and he can do what wants with it. But what do you think. read the article and weigh in with your thoughts in the comments.
Cage Fighter Sells Title belt on E-Bay
A title belt however is more like a trophy or an accolade. Something to display and be proud of. Recently one Vinny Magalhaes decided that his title belt was nothing he wanted to display and remember and put it on e-bay at a starting bid of 0.09 cents. BRILLIANT!
The article states that he was having conflict of interests with the organization who awarded him the belt and found a very direct way to let them know he was cutting ties for good. I personally have destroyed a 1st prize trophy awarded to me. It was liberating. I felt the organization running the competition was barely organized and I hated the hierarchy there. I ended up having to fight only my own classmates for the trophy. So when we got home we took turns kicking and chopping this 4 foot trophy into bits. In any case I feel Vinny Magalhaes selling his belt was a right proper F.U. It was his belt and he can do what wants with it. But what do you think. read the article and weigh in with your thoughts in the comments.
Cage Fighter Sells Title belt on E-Bay
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Spirit

Keeping a work out routine and allowing yourself to clear your mind is a paramount skill to create. However even the strongest of us can create mechanisms that, although prevent us from opening the emotional flood gates on someone, can also be self destructive. Recently I have made the mistake of displacing my spiritual or emotional body from my physical body, which destroys your mental balance.
This can cause depression, detachment from others and make you more easily distracted. So in a martial sense, no matter what you have planned for the day and no matter what your stressors are, these two parts of yourself (emotional and physical) are meant to balance each other. To allow one or the other to wain will decrease your power and your ability to adapt to any new issues that might arise. Without control over your spiritual, or in a more terrestrial sense, your emotional body you are weak.
Remember that we all get upset and want to drag someone outside and thrash them every now and again. And this is natural, but to stifle your natural feelings completely only makes them stronger. Instead embrace your feelings, as long as you can maintain your composure and not act on these feelings you will be stronger for it. The peaks and valleys of emotion are an important part of life and without them life becomes robotic and dull.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
This is Awesome
For any of you out there preparing for the return of the living dead, here is the product for you. Zombie (just in case.. MAX) Available at Precision Arms in Escondido, CA.
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